Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Pharmacology lab Manual

                    Protocols of pharmacology lab

Ø You are not allowed in laboratories without the lecturer’s permission.

Ø Eating and drinking are not permitted in the laboratories.

Ø Know the location of the fire extinguishers in the laboratory where you are working and how to operate them in an emergency.

Ø Many operations normally carried out in the laboratories are potentially dangerous .The greatest care should be taken at all times to ensure your safety and that of others in the laboratory.

Ø Follow carefully the procedure given in the schedule or instruction sheet you should not carry out experiments or make innovations without the approval of your supervisor ask if you do not fully understand the instructions.

Ø Clearly label all vessels which contain chemicals with:-

             * The name of chemicals, date of performance

             * Your name and course

Ø Disposal of chemicals –ask the lecturer or technician.

Ø Solid matters water immiscible solvents or liquid nitrogen must not be poured down sinks.

Ø Waste material solid or paper should be placed in the bins provided use the specially indicated bins only for glass.

Ø Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their work benches which should be left clean, dry and free from apparatus at the end of the practical period.

Ø Condenser or cooling water tubing must be secured by wire or clips to the tap and to the apparatus and drain tube securely located in the sink or waste pipe. Alternatively suitable air condenser may be used.

Ø All wash your hand after working in the laboratory it is important to wash your hand both before and after going to toilet after working in the laboratory

Ø Do not leave broken glass in the sink or on the bench place it in the appropriate bin for glass.

Ø Solutions should not be pipetted by mouth use a pipette filter.

Ø All chemicals and apparatus should be returned to the proper place after use.





Study of kymograph:

It consists of two parts of:

1.   Kymograph

2.   Organ bath


The word “kymo” means “motion” and “graph” means “record”. So it is used for reading a wave like motion.

Parts of Kymograph:

There are 3 sections:

1.     Drum and drive assembly

2.     Electronic stimulator

3.     Electrode and lever assembly

Different parts of Kymograph:

1.     Cylindrical Clamp:

It is a sort of lock which is used to fix the drum on control shaft.

2.     Smoked drum:

It is a metallic cylinder having diameter of 500mm and height is 152mm.

3.     Spindle:

Simple metallic rod at a tip of kymograph which holds the drum. Its length is 330mm.

4.     Contact arm:

Black triangular projection at a base of spindle. It is used to mark the stimuli on base line.

5.     Contact Switch:

It is a square shaped switch at the top of kymograph.

6.     Kymograph arm:

Adjustable and movable arm structure at the top of bath assembly.

7.     Frequency control:

It is a knob on the front with calibrations giving to divisions, used to control the frequency of stimuli.

8.     Mode of switch:

a)     Slow repeated mode provides low frequency.

b)    Single mode is used when we need one stimuli.

c)     Repetitive mode provides increased frequency range of 2-5 stimuli.

9.     Amplitude control:

Used for amplitude or strength of current. It is similar to frequency dial and is divided in to divisions which conduct voltage of 0.3V or 0-20V.

10.                        Single pulse switch:

It is used for testing the preparations before starting the experiment when it is passed down through a single impulse.

11.                        Main Switch:

It is present on the front of kymograph directly connected to main socket.

12.                        Indicator lamp

Red light shows the presence of current.

13.                        External trigger:

A special circuit which having an output socket to which two wires are connected.

14.                        Voltage or output socket:

This is also a current circuit system.

15.                        Drum motor control switch:

Switch at the outside of kymograph for starting and stopping the drum.

16.                         Lever:

Moveable and adjustable clutch system of kymograph.

Bath Assembly Dimensions:

§  Length  152mm

§  Depth    76mm

§  Height    29mm

Drum Speed:

Highly accurate speeds: 0.12, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 2.50 mm/sec

Study of Organ Bath:

§  It is an apparatus used for providing physiological conditions to tissues.

§  It is composed of small trout and screw thread which is adjustable.


1.     Outer chamber:

Larger chamber with warm water for maintaining the temperature.

2.     Inner chamber:

Also called as tissue chamber. Tissue is placed and filled with solution.

Gas diffuser:

§  One end is connected to tissue chamber and one with cylinder.

Short arm:

§  Tissue is lied with the help of thread.

Long arm:

§  It is attached to kymograph drum.

Adjustment, Support and Screw:

§  Various adjustable supports are present.

§  These are used to hang the tissues with the help of thread.

§  It is also used to keep frontal writing lever in its place.

Pen marker:

§  It is supported by frontal writing lever and filled with ink.






§  Human being


§  Lancet or needles

§  Spirit lamp

§  Test tube

§  Syringes

§  Stopwatch

§  Capillary tube


§  Heparin as anti-coagulant


§  Take two test tubes.

§  Now add 2 ml of fresh blood in tubes and mark one tube as test and other as control.

§  Add heparin.

§  Now fill the capillary tubes with this blood separately from each test tube.

§  Turn on the stopwatch

§  After every 1 minute, break off the small piece of capillary tube until a fibrin thread appears between the broken ends.


§  Syringes must be sterile.

§  Don’t keep the blood openly as it will immediately clot.

§  Apparatus must be clean.


§  In control tube blood will clot after 6-12 minutes.

§  While in test sample, blood will take about 1 hour to clot due to the presence of Anticoagulant






A local anesthetic is a medication that causes reversible absence of pain sensation, although other senses are often affected, as well. According to therapeutic actions, local anesthetics are of following types.

1.     Soluble Local Anesthetics: suitable for injections (subcutaneously) e.g. Procaine HCL

2.     Surface on Local Anesthetics: used only topically e.g. Cocaine Hydrochloride.

3.     Local Anesthetics of low solubility: for topical use e.g. Benzocaine


§  It is topically local anesthetic which blocks the nerve conduction of sensory impulse from periphery.

§  Local anesthetics abolish sensation in limited area of the body without producing unconsciousness.

§  The myelinated fibers that conduct impulses for pain, temperature and autonomic activity are most sensitive to action of local anesthetics.

§  Lignocaine is most frequently used. These compounds interacts with protein receptors of Na+ channels to inhibit their activity.

§   By adding vasoconstrictor adrenaline, absorption is decreased.

§  No study reported on adverse events such as ischaemia distal to the injection site or cost analysis with use of adrenaline with lidocaine.


§  Human

Lignocaine HCL (2% w/v) as a drug


§  Lancet or needles

§  Marker

§  Stopwatch


§  Mark the circle of an area that is free from blood vessels in forearms.

§  Hold the forearms of subject and the central point of circle.

§  Take the right arm as control and left as test arm.

§  Apply lignocaine gel at whole area and check the sensitivity after every 5 minutes.

§  Repeat the procedure for checking sensitivity of both arms after 10, 15, 20,25,30,45 and 60 minutes.


Tabulate the results and discuss the findings.




Antagonist effect of Atropine & Pilocarpine on Rabbit eye




§  2% atropine

§  1% pilocarpine

§  Rabbit

§  Cotton

§  Ruler




            When the drug counter act or nullify the action of other drug this phenomenon is called antagonism and drug is called antagonist.


Types of antagonist:

                                Following are the types of antagonist

1.     Pharmacological antagonist:

                                             These are those antagonist in which the pharmacological action of drug is reduce by the action other drug.

2.     Physiological antagonist:

                                       These antagonist work on different mechanism

§  Analeptics.

§  Narcotic agent

3.     Physiochemical antagonist:

                                           These act due to physical and chemical properties.      















§  Rabbit

§  Scissors

§  Torch

§  Cotton

§  Dropper

§  Normal saline


§  The rabbit is held in one hand and eyelashes are removed.

§  Left eye is labelled as control and right as test.

§  Now made a pouch and instill few drops of adrenaline in test eye.

§  And observe:

1. Size of pupil

2. Light reflex

3. Corneal reflex

4. Colour of Conjunctiva

Size of pupil:

It is measured roughly with scale. Dilation of pupil is called mydriasis and decrease in size of pupil is called miosis. It is measured in mm.

Light reflex:

Light is shed from behind and contraction or dilation of pupil upon exposure to light is noted.

Corneal reflex:

4 pieces of rolled cotton are touched at lateral to limbus of eye closure of eye is noted.


Colour of conjunctiva:

The lower eyelid of rabbit is contracted to exposure the lower palpebral aperture (opening b/w lids). The vessel of the conjunctiva are observed and congestion if present is noted.


§  The experiment is performed to check if a drug is sympathomimetic or sympatholytic.

§  The drug binds to the receptors and shows its activity.

§  After every 5 minutes of pouring drug, pupil is dilated and colour of conjunctiva becomes pale, reflex decreases with time.

§  Hence it is proved that drug is sympathomimetic. Dilation of pupil us due to the dilation of papillae caused by adrenaline.

§  The observations shows that drug is mydriatic in nature.
































§   Disposable syringes

§   Stopwatch

Drug used:

§   Diazepam inj.


§   Rabbit


Diazepam is a benzodiazepine that exerts anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant. Most of these effects are thought to result from a facilitation of the action of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Observe the normal parameters like relaxation of muscle by pulling its legs.

3.      2cc syringe (2 cubic centimeter) of diazepam (100mg/20ml) is injected into the thigh of rabbit.

4.      Take the observations such as muscle relaxation in regular intervals of time and tabulate.


1.      Used as muscle relaxant












§   Disposable syringe

§   Stopwatch

Drug used:

§   Furosemide inj.


§   Rabbit


Furosemide works by blocking the absorption of sodium, chloride and water from the filtered fluid in the kidney tubules, causing a profound increase in the output of urine (diuresis). The onset of action after oral administration is within one hour, and the diuresis lasts about 6-8 hours.


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Take normal observation in micturition (Micturition is the ejection of urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra to the outside of the body.)

3.      Inject the furosemide injection through IM route and note the reading of micturition.


1.      For high blood pressure, diuretics, commonly known as "water pills," help your body get rid of unneeded water and salt through the urine. Getting rid of excess salt and fluid helps lower blood pressure and can make it easier for your heart to pump.

2.      Diuretics may be used to treat a number of heart-related conditions, including high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney and liver problems.

 Side effects:







§   Torch

§   Cotton wool

§   Dropper

§   Measuring scale

Drug used:

§   Phenylephrine


§   Rabbit

Parameters to be measured:

§   Light reflex

§   Corneal reflex

§   Size of pupil


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Note down the normal parameters mentioned above of the healthy rabbit.

3.      Use pinch method to instill the drug into an eye.

4.      Pinch lower eyelid to make a small pouch.

5.      Instill 1-2 drops of drugs in this pouch and then bring the lid upward.

6.      Keep it in contact with conjunctiva for 1-2 minutes.

7.      Keep one eye with drug instilled as test and other as controlled.













§   Torch

§   Cotton wool

§   Dropper

§   Measuring scale

Drug used:

§   Proparacaine


§   Rabbit

Parameters to be measured:

§   Light reflex

§   Corneal reflex

§   Size of pupil


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Note down the normal parameters mentioned above of the healthy rabbit.

3.      Use pinch method to instill the drug into an eye.

4.      Pinch lower eyelid to make a small pouch.

5.      Instill 1-2 drops of drugs in this pouch and then bring the lid upward.

6.      Keep it in contact with conjunctiva for 1-2 minutes.

7.      Keep one eye with drug instilled as test and other as controlled.













§   Torch

§   Cotton wool

§   Dropper

§   Measuring scale

Drug used:

§   Timolol


§   Rabbit

Parameters to be measured:

§   Light reflex

§   Corneal reflex

§   Size of pupil


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Note down the normal parameters mentioned above of the healthy rabbit.

3.      Use pinch method to instill the drug into an eye.

4.      Pinch lower eyelid to make a small pouch.

5.      Instill 1-2 drops of drugs in this pouch and then bring the lid upward.

6.      Keep it in contact with conjunctiva for 1-2 minutes.

7.      Keep one eye with drug instilled as test and other as controlled.

8.      Above parameters are measured at 5-15 minutes.












§   Disposable syringe.

§   Stopwatch

Drug used:

§   Dimenhydrinate (brand name : Gravinate)


§   Rabbit


It is an anti-emetic agent usually acting on H1 receptors by showing its antagonistic activity and resulting in sedation and drowsiness.


1.      Take a healthy rabbit and handle it with care.

2.      Take the normal readings of sedation and drowsiness.

3.      Inject the dimenhydrinate by IM route.

4.      And note the readings of sedation and drowsiness after equal intervals of time.


1.      Anti-emetic agent.

2.      Anti-histaminic activity.


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