Dispensing Lab Manual PART 1

Practical # 1



RETAIL PHARMACY:The branch of pharmacy which deals with sale and distribution of medicines and other products to consumers and patients on prescription of physicians, dentists or veterinarians is called retail pharmacy.

TYPES OF REATAIL PHARMACY: Following are the types of retail pharmacy :

·         COMMUNITY PHARMACY: The branch of retail pharmacy which deals with health care facility that is able to provide pharmaceutical services to people in local community is community pharmacy. Also called as medical store.

·         WHOLE SALE PHARMACY: The branch of pharmacy in which drugs are supplied from manufacturer to wholesalers and from here it is supplied to community pharmacy is called wholesale pharmacy.

DISPENSING: Extemporaneous compounding of the different dosage forms is called dispensing .Extemporaneous compounding is defined as the preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging and labeling of the medicinal product based on prescription ordered from licensed practitioner for an individual patient.





Medical store

ü  According to Punjab drug rules,2007 pharmacy means premises where drugs are stored, sold, compounded ,dispensed or prepared on prescription or distributed in case of authorized agent of manufacturer ,indenter or importer .

ü  According to Punjab drug rules, 2007 medical store means premises where drugs excluding the drugs specified in Schedule G are stored, sold or offered for sale .

ü  Three thousand rupees are required for a license of a pharmacy.

ü  Two thousand rupees are required for a license of medical store.

ü  The licensing authority shall issue a license of pharmacy in form 9.

ü  The licensing authority shall issue a license of medical store in form 10 .

ü  In case of pharmacy, the person shall display the word “Pharmacy” outside wall of the pharmacy in white writing on green colored signboard having minimum length of 5 feet and width of 2.5 feet.

ü  In case of medical store, the person shall display the words “Medical Store” in white writing on a blue colored signboard with the same minimum dimensions as required for pharmacy.

ü  Pharmacy use “Rx” logo.

ü  Medical store does not use it.









Read the prescription carefully .If necessary, find formula of preparations in an appropriate source ,copy it to your hand book. Check the doses of internal preparations. Correctly perform calculations of dose and quantity. Identify the drug-drug interactions. Prepare labels and fix them to container .Wrap the container and write patients name and address on wrapper. Make appropriate records. Issue medicine to patients with clear instructions and advice.




Ø  DISPENSING ENVIRONMENT COVERAGE : It covers the following areas:

·         Prescription counter

·         Waiting area

Ø  PROTOCOLS FOR  PRESCRIPTION COUNTER: Ideal prescription counter should be

·         Be cleaned.

·      Regular routine cleaning of shelves.

·         Daily cleaning of floor and work surfaces.

·         Be organized.

·         Have sufficient space.

·         Temperature and humidity should be controlled.

·         Accessible to the patients.

·         No loud music playing ,gossiping ,talking ,television ,cricket match or movie.

·         Medicines arranged in an organized way on shelves in an alphabetical order.

Ø  PROTOCOLS FOR WAITING AREA :The area where patients or clients wait for their prescription to be dispensed or filled is called waiting area. Ideal waiting area should have following requirements :

·         Comfortable chairs for at least for elders and disabled patients.

·         Current popular health magazines and materials related to good health.

·         Pamphlets and posters relate to public, family and other individual health problems.


Display of written , printed or graphic matter upon immediate container or wrapper of drug package.



Following are the protocols for dispensed labeling :

·         Patient name

·         Doctor’s  name

·         State the strength , name and quantity of medication dispensed

·         Discard date of medication i-e date after which medication should not be used

·         Prescription number

·         Name and address of pharmacy

·         Contact number  of pharmacy

·         Warnings and instructions

·         Use of active verbs such as

Ø  Take two    - not -   “ Two to be taken ”

Ø  Use one     - not -   “ One to be used ”

Ø  Insert one  - not -   “ One to be inserted “

·         Frequency and quantity of formulations should be expressed in words rather than in numerals.

Example:  Take 1 capsule 2x a day (wrong)

                 Take one capsule two times a day (right )

·         Drug instructions should be appropriate.

Example: Never use “Take” if it is not use for oral route.

                Use “Apply”





It I an order of physician ,dentist, verterinarian  or properly licensed medical practitioner for supply of medicine ,medical dressing , or surgical appliances to patient.





 Following are the parts of prescription :

·         PATIENTS NAME ,AGE, SEX AND ADDRESS : For identification of patient .

·         DATE OF PRESCRIPTION: For the legal purpose and also for record.

·         SUPERSCRIPTION :This is the sign “Rx”. It is an instruction to pharmacist.

·          INSCRIPTION:It is the principal part of prescription  containing name , quantity and strength of prescribed drug.

·         SUBSCRIPTION: Order to pharmacist including method of administration,dose of preparations ,number of dosage units .

·         SIGNA:  An instruction to the patient.

·         REFILL INSTRUCTIONS: An instruction to the pharmacist to dispense once ,twice or thrice .

·         NAME AND SIGNATURE OF PRESCRIBER:For identification of prescriber.


Prescription handling is a part of professional relationship between prescriber, pharmacist and patient.


While receiving the prescription, pharmacist should be alert ,focused and not to be detracted or engaged in talking and  chatting.


Ø  LEGALITY: A prescription should be legal when it is written and signed by R.M.P containing all the information required to be contained in all parts of prescription.

Ø  LEGIBILITY: It is a problem requiring alertness and critical judgement on the part of pharmacist.







Practical # 2



In vitro drug interactions may be defined as those interactions which occur outside the body. Drug interactions which will be discussed in this chapter are those which occur between drugs due to reasons of incompatibility (e.g., drug-drug interactions in an intravenous infusion), due to interaction of a drug with its packaging (e.g., drug binding to an infusion bag), due to loss of drugs during laboratory analyses (e.g., binding to laboratory equipment) 


·        beakers

·        measuring cylinder

·        stirrer

·        filter paper


·        phenol

·        distilled water

·        sodium sulphate

·        glycerin


a)     Dissolve phenol in 10ml of glycerin.

b)    Dissolve sodium sulphate in small quantity of water.

c)     Add the above solution in to sodium sulphate solution and observe change.

d)    Make up volume then mix all three ingredients thoroughly and observe change.

e)     Clear preparation from all above should b dispensed.

f)      The preparations which contain precipitation always show incompatibility.



Beaker A

Beaker B

Beaker c


Sodium sulphate+water→2

Add 1 in 2 clear without turbidity

Sodium sulphate+water→1


Add 1 into 2 some turbidity is formed


Turbidity id present.



The preparation of A was clear without turbidity, so this preparation of beaker a is dispensed.




Practical # 3



Lotions are low-viscosity liquid aqueous preparations intended for the application on skin mostly for protective effects. Their application leads towards removal of water by leaving medicament on surface of skin and also causes cooling effect on the same time. Lotions are applied to external skin with bare hands, cotton wool or gauze and they are meant to moisturize or soften the skin.


Calamine has been aroundsince the early 19thcentury and known for its anti-pruritic and mild antiseptic qualities. The beneficial properties of calamine speaks for itself as it is trusted for common skin ailments for decades and also in September 2008 it was approved as a topical over the counter skin protectant, both effective and safe for usage by U.S Food & Drug Administration.


Tirturation and lavigation


Grinding of solid substance is done to a fine powder by continuous stirring or rubbing of particles in a mortar and pestle.


Size reduction of solid particles which is carried out in pestle and mortar in presence of small amount of liquid in which this material is insoluble.


Beaker, weighing balance, chemicals, stirrer, pestle and mortar


Calamine                                      8gm

Zinc oxide                                     8gm

Glycerin                                        2 ml

Bentonite magma                            25 ml

Calcium hydroxide q.s100 ml







Dilute bentonite magma with equal volume of Ca(OH)2 solution. Mix the powders with equal volume of glycerin and about 10 ml of bentonite magma. Triturate this solution and add remaining bentonite magma in it. Dilute the solution with 1% Ca(OH)2 to make 10 ml.

Bentonite magma:      Bentonite50g

Purified water    1000 ml

Sprinkle the bentonite on purified water 800 ml. Allow each of the portion of bentonite to get fully wet without stirring. Allow it to stand with occasional stirring for 24 hours. Stir until a dilute form of magma is obtained. Add purified water to make volume up to 1000 ml and mix. The calamine lotion is ready. Now label and dispense it.


Role of Ingredients

Calamine        Soothing and protecting agent

Zinc oxide      Antiseptic and mild astringent

Glycerin                                          Hygroscopic, keeps skin moist, Soothing effect on skin

Bentonitemagma    Suspending agent and impart viscosity to the solution

Calcium hydroxide                         Vehicle and Preservative



·         It produces soothing and cooling effect when applied topically to the skin.

·         It is used in the treatment of pimples and chicken pox as an antiseptic.

·         It is effective on nappy rash and other mild skin problems in infants.

·         It is used in shampoos that eradicate lice as an agent to relieve itching.

·         It is recommended for temporary relief of various skin irritations such as poison ivy, insect bites, itching and sunburn.

·         It is used to treat skin issues brought on by pregnancy and helps to smooth out stretch marks over a course of time post pregnancy.

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